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The Benefits of Bamboo in Skincare

If you’re someone who takes natural beauty pretty seriously, then you may have seen bamboo extracts in some skincare products. If not, prepare to be amazed.

Bamboo is a grass root with hollow circular stems. With over 1000 growing species (some growing over 100 feet tall), bamboo is one of the fastest growing plants in the world. Growing in the tropical and subtropical regions of Asia, Africa and Latin America, bamboo is one of the most renewable material sources on the planet. The grass root is grown without any chemical fertilisers and pesticides, making it entirely clean, sustainable, and eco-friendly: the perfect addition to any skincare.

Here are some of the main benefits one may experience by adding in products that contain bamboo extracts:

1. Radiant and supple skin

Rich in silica, bamboo can leave your skin’s surface with a radiant glow. Silica provides hydration benefits and aids the production of collagen, which firms the skin and gives it that supple and youthful bounce. Using a moisturiser with bamboo extract can make your skin glowy, radiant, and youthful.

2. Anti-inflammatory elements

One significant benefit from bamboo is its ability to heal the skin. With anti-inflammatory properties, products with bamboo are thought to fight acne, sensitive skin, and any inflammation. Add bamboo to your skin care routine to soothe irritated and inflamed areas of your skin.

3. Drawing Impurities

If you haven’t tried bamboo charcoal, you’re seriously missing out. In the form of bamboo charcoal, bamboo can also be great for purifying and detoxifying skin. For those with acne-prone skin, bamboo charcoal may be the secret ingredient to getting a nice, deep clean in.

4. Antioxidant Properties

Finally, bamboo extract acts as a powerful antioxidant, which keeps your skin safe from damaging free radicals and UV damage. Under the harsh sun and environment in Australia, antioxidant properties are the key to preserving your skin. Next time you’re looking for a moisturiser, look for one with bamboo extracts to soothe, clean, hydrate, and protect your youthful skin.

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